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Our collaborators are published and quoted in journals, periodicals, and news reports around the globe. Highlights of their contributions are included below.

Hamid Ghanbari

Preventice Solutions Presents Real-World Performance of Wearable ECG Monitoring Technology using Deep Learning Algorithms for Detecting Atrial Fibrillation

James S. Jackson

James S. Jackson

The National Youth Disconnection Rate Continues To Fall, But Progress Has Slowed And The Rate For Black Youth Has Increased

Jenny Radesky

Jenny Radesky

Infants younger than 1 year old shouldn’t be exposed to any electronic screens, WHO says

Julia Lee

Different Physiological Reactions When Observing Lies Versus Truths: Initial Evidence and an Intervention to Enhance Accuracy

Christopher Monk

Christopher Monk

The System for Coding Interactions and Family Functioning (SCIFF) in low-income and urban adolescents

Francis Pagani

Increased Risk of Stroke and Death in Ventricular Assist Device Patients Varies by ISHLT Infection Category: An INTERMACS Analysis

Cristine Agresta

Years of running experience influences stride-to-stride fluctuations and adaptive response during step frequency perturbations in healthy distance runners

Sofia Merajver

To Predict Which Cancer Cells Will Attack the Brain, Scientists Harness the Power of Artificial Intelligence

Thomas Schmidt

Fermentable fibers affect the structure and function of gut microbiota, with potato starch leading to the greatest increase in short-chain fatty acids

Vicki Johnson-Lawrence

The Church Challenge: A community-based multilevel cluster randomized controlled trial to improve blood pressure and wellness in African American churches in Flint, Michigan

Ken Langa

Ken Langa

Caregiving, Recovery, and Death After Incident ADL/IADL Disability Among Older Adults in the United States

Jack Iwashyna

Control of Confounding and Reporting of Results in Causal Inference Studies. Guidance for Authors from Editors of Respiratory, Sleep, and Critical Care Journals

Luke Hyde

Parents, take note: Less affectionate, harsh behaviour can make your kids anti-social