Headshot of Jorge Delva, a BioSocial Methods member.
Jorge Delva new leader of BU Center for Innovation in Social Work & Health
Rich Barlow
November 15, 2018
“At a reception Tuesday at the regal Dahod Family Alumni Center—its fireplace warmly blazing, the 50 guests enjoying hors d’oeuvres—Jean Morrison, University provost, announced the appointment of Jorge Delva as director of the BU Center for Innovation in Social Work & Health (CISWH). Delva has been the dean of the School of Social Work since January.
As head of CISWH, one of the nation’s premier interdisciplinary centers for integrating social work and healthcare, Delva, who continues as dean, holds SSW’s Paul Farmer Professorship. He succeeds inaugural director and Farmer Professor Sara ‘Sally’ Bachman, who has left to become dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice.”
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