Luke W. Hyde

Ph.D., Clinical and Developmental Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
Concentration in Cognitive Neuroscience, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, University of Pittsburgh/Carnegie Mellon University
Clinical Psychology Internship, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinics
M.S., University of Pittsburgh
B.A., Williams College
Director, Michigan Neurogenetics and Developmental Psychopathology (MiND) Lab
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
Research Assistant Professor, Center for Human Growth and Development, University of Michigan
Faculty Associate, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
I am interested in understanding psychopathology and personality, particularly child psychopathology and antisocial behaviors, from a developmental psychopathology standpoint. My research focuses on mechanisms linking early risk to adolescent antisocial behavior. In particular, I am interested in the role of cognitions, empathy (and callous/unemotional traits), genes (using candidate genes), and neural processes (using fMRI) as they are affected by and interact with harsh environments (e.g., rejecting parenting, dangerous neighborhoods) to increase risk for psychopathology. My recent program of research has been merging imaging genetics techniques that aim to understand genetic and molecular contributions to neural reactivity with longitudinal developmental studies of at risk children in order to inform our understanding of the development of antisocial behavior, psychopathy, and psychopathology across the lifespan. Thus, I am interested in the role of the environment and biology as they interact overtime to shape behavior.