University Professors talk using AI technology for bipolar disorder
The Michigan Daily 9/29/19
Emily Mower Provost, associate professor of computer science and electrical engineering, and Melvin McInnis, professor of bipolar disorder and depression, are working together to develop computational methods for measuring mood symptom severity in bipolar disorder. McInnis is the director of the Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Program, and Provost is a member.
The panelists first discussed why they were involved in the project. Provost, who was always interested in human behavior and improving people’s lives through engineering, said she was excited to work at the intersection of human-robot interaction and effective computing.
“It gives me an opportunity not only to try to create new and really innovative algorithms, but when you put a human-centered swing into AI, then you also have the opportunity to really join engineering and science,” Provost said. “To me, it seemed like a really interesting opportunity to do something meaningful to do engineering that had an impact on people’s lives. … We specialized and started working in emotion recognition, where the goal was to take in speech and try to quantify ambiguity that’s associated with how people express emotions, which was exciting.”
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