Team selected for research grant funding
Hill Country Community Journal 6/23/19
A National Science Foundation grant submitted by Dr. Kevin Hannay, assistant professor of mathematics – Schreiner University, Dr. Victoria Booth, professor of mathematics and associate professor of anesthesiology – University of Michigan, and Dr. Cecilia Diniz Behn, assistant professor of applied mathematics and statistics – Colorado School of Mines was selected for funding by the Directorate of Mathematical Sciences. This grant will fund research on sleep and circadian rhythms for the next three years with total funding of more than $504,000.
The grant is titled “Nonsmooth Maps, Coupled Oscillators and Seasonal Variation of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms.” The team’s research will focus on the development of mathematical models for the human circadian and sleep/wake rhythms. These mathematical models will be applied to study the effects of sleep and circadian rhythm disruptions on summer weight gain in children.
“The Mathematical Biology program received more than 135 proposals, each reviewed in a panel composed of distinguished scientists in mathematical, statistical and biological sciences,” in a statement received from the program officer. “In past years the MathBio program has only been able to fund approximately 20 percent of proposed projects, so competition is intense.”
This grant also includes funding for a Schreiner University undergraduate student to visit either the University of Michigan or Colorado School of Mines for a summer research experience for each summer.
“I am excited to participate in this research direction with a world-class team of researchers,” said Hannay. “These experiences should be life-changing for our research students. Both Dr. Booth and Dr. Diniz-Behn are excellent mentors and will be impeccable role-models, especially for our female and underrepresented minority mathematics research students.”